Saturday, 22 October 2011

Setting your Browser Options for Automatic Login

This page tells you how to set the options in your web browser (Internet Explorer or Firefox) to enable automatic login to Confluence. This will make it much more pleasant to use the Confluence SharePoint Connector.
What happens if you do not configure your browser as described below? You will keep getting the standard browser login popup each time you access Confluence. The popup looks like this:
Screenshot: Login dialogue from Internet Explorer

Setting up Internet Explorer

Set your options as follows for IE 6, 7 and 8.
  1. Ensure that your SharePoint site(s) and Confluence site are included in the list of 'Local Intranet' sites.
    • Open Internet Explorer's 'Tools' menu and select 'Internet Options'.
    • Click the 'Security' tab.
    • Select the 'Local intranet' zone.
    • Click 'Sites'.
      Screenshot: Selecting Internet Explorer options

    • Click 'Advanced'.
    • Check the list of 'Websites' displayed.
      Screenshot: Configuring local intranet settings

    • If not already present, enter the web address (URL) of your SharePoint site(s) and your Confluence site into the textbox titled 'Add this website to the zone' and click 'Add' to add each address.
    • Click 'Close' to close the window showing the list of websites.
    • Click 'OK'.
  2. Set automatic login in the intranet zone. If you are currently logged in with an Active Directory account, you will be automatically logged into SharePoint and Confluence.
    • On the 'Security' tab, make sure the 'Local intranet' zone is still selected and click 'Custom level'.
      Screenshot: Selecting custom intranet settings

    • Scroll down to the 'User Authentication' section (near the bottom of the list) and select the 'Automatic logon only in Intranet Zone' option.
      Screenshot: Choosing automatic 'log on' settings

  3. Set the option to access data sources across domains. This will prevent a warning message from appearing when the browser attempts to log in to Confluence.
    Please check with your system administrator that this setting is acceptable for your environment
    Setting this option may increase the susceptibility of your browser to XSS (cross-site scripting) attacks within the local intranet zone. This should be fine if your intranet is accessible to trusted users only.
    • Scroll up to the 'Miscellaneous' section (about half way down) and select 'Enable' under to 'Access data sources across domains'.
      Screenshot: Enabling data source access across domains

    • Click 'OK'.
  4. Close all your Internet Explorer tabs and windows, and start Internet Explorer again, to ensure that the new settings take effect.

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